One of the main focus points of the Hawthorne Pride Alliance is to educate members of the community. This page and its corresponding links aim to fulfill that purpose.
HPA uses third party links to provide information. At no time does HPA take responsibility or will be held liable for the contents of third party websites or the use of their services. HPA does not endorse, guarantee, or support the accuracy of any information provided on a third party website. We will not be held liable for any damages caused by any third party organization, or the content they provide on their own website. © The HPA logo and all ideas relating to the Hawthorne Pride Alliance is the intellectual property and sole possession of the Founder / Owner of the Alliance and its Foundation, and may not be used without written permission. All rights are reserved. Any unauthorized use of anything posted on this site without permission is subject to legal action. All logos are made in-house and are owned by the Hawthorne Pride Alliance Foundation . The Hawthorne Pride Alliance Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization. To contact us, please email us at We DO NOT respond to messages sent via social media.